Gourmet organic meals for the teething set

Gourmet organic meals for the teething set

Finding a meal that satisfies all members of my families is a mission impossible these days. Add a baby just starting solids into the mix and that spells H-E-A-D-A-C-H-E. But there’s a new line of organic baby foods that just might do the trick. Sprout Organic...
Diaper bag chic, minus the diapers. Nice.

Diaper bag chic, minus the diapers. Nice.

Over the course of a mama’s diaper bag carrying years, there will be times she may curse that heavy bag and long for the carefree and fabulous purses of her youth. But as time goes by, that longing to be rid of the diaper bag turns into–or at least it has...
Modern art for the road

Modern art for the road

Now that my nineteen month old has officially reached the dreaded “dropsy stage,” I try to attach everything I can to her stroller and high chair, from her sippy cup to her toys. So, when I found the MoMA Shapes and Colors Stroller Cards, I was...
Kids water bottles get cuter by the second

Kids water bottles get cuter by the second

We’ve been such fans of Beatrix NY over the years (you might know them as Dante Beatrix), because everything they make is pretty much awesome. Their motley little menagerie of creatures range from robots to bunnies to not-particularly-scary dinosaurs, and are...
Oh the places you’ll go, looking cute

Oh the places you’ll go, looking cute

I’m a big believer in traveling with kids. It’s never too early to expose them to other cities, other cultures, other foods, and hopefully, the ability to behave on an airplane. (Oh please oh please!) I’m always looking for travel goodies that help...