Delaying Mommyhood But Not Mommy Friends

Delaying Mommyhood But Not Mommy Friends

Sometimes moms of (ahem) advanced maternal age just need some kindred spirits to hang out with. You know, so we can reminisce about our assymetrical prom hairdos and our crushes on Scott Baio while the rugrats run circles around our arthritic ankles. Well if...
Allergy Mom: Not Quite the Title Anyone Hopes For

Allergy Mom: Not Quite the Title Anyone Hopes For

It was over seven years ago, but I will never forget that day: My perfect, happy toddler stuck one chubby finger into the square of peanut butter sandwich I’d just handed him. In less than five minutes he was covered in welts, eyes swelled shut, gasping and...
Child Development Expert? Yeah, Me Neither.

Child Development Expert? Yeah, Me Neither.

As much as I would like to believe I’m an expert on my own child, I’ve been known on occasion to bring home a book before realizing that yeah, maybe she’s not quite ready for the whole "and then Bambi’s mother dies" thing. Now Savvy...
Attention: Lazy Gift Card Redeemers

Attention: Lazy Gift Card Redeemers

Not to look a gift (card) horse in the mouth, but I when I get one I often forget to use it in time. I guess it’s people like me who account for the $8 billion in gift cards that gets wasted each year. Yikes. If you anticipate a few gift cards this holiday...
From the Cradle to The Cradle ™

From the Cradle to The Cradle ™

There are more "mom" websites and social networking sites popping up than we can shake a BPA-free baby bottle at. And who can blame them? We are collectively awesome, thus everyone wants us to grace them with our virtual presence. One of the more promising...
Cool Mom Picks: The TV Show

Cool Mom Picks: The TV Show

While we haven’t sold out to the Hollywood machine just yet (Watch out Harvey Weinstein, we’re coming for you!) we are excited to tell you about the nine short Cool Mom Picks videos we taped for Alpha Mom TV launching this week.Catch editors Liz (pregnant)... Meets Flea Market Meets Flea Market

Perhaps you bought a few items (before discovering Cool Mom Picks of course) and realize now that you don’t want them. Here are a few solutions to minimizes your carbon footprint, as the kids say today.Zwaggle is a brand new site especially for...
We Interrupt Your Shopping For A Random Act of Do-Gooding

We Interrupt Your Shopping For A Random Act of Do-Gooding

We post a lot about lotion/potion alternatives for the kiddos that are organic, natural, and hopefully bad-stuff-free. If you care about what goes into you children’s shampoos, diaper creams and bubble baths, consider helping out the non-profit Environmental...