by Susan | DIY, Toys + Playthings
I’m a sucker for beautiful vintage-y paper dolls; they’re the perfect antidote to the plugged-in life my kids are living. And beautiful vintage-style paper dolls that help kids with disabilities? Sold. TinyUs is a creative charity set up to raise funds for...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Recently I attended a Brooklyn mommy event and discovered one local indie kids clothing designer whose pieces were being oohed and ahhed over by eager parents. I suppose the innocent 1930s, ’40s and ’50s paper doll-inspired clothes were such a refreshingly...
by Barbara | Toys + Playthings
My go-to standard baby shower gift was, for a long time, either a baby bathtub, or infant footie sleepers. Useful, and admittedly a little uninspired. These days, I want to give something unusual, beautiful and creative: both moms and babies deserve them. My latest...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
I’ve become a strong advocate of paper dolls since realizing that my girls can spend hours entertaining themselves with them. The only issue? That whole paper thing. Let’s just say freak decapitations are are not an uncommon occurrence. So when I saw the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
I have a dollhouse-obsessed five year old…and I’m not complaining a bit. I love the fun creative play and imagination it inspires. (Currently, the little girl who resides in the dollhouse is named “Frodo.”) If you’re more interested in...
by Caroline Siegrist | Toys + Playthings
I’ve been really encouraged by Barbie’s new Inspiring Women Series, which celebrates women trailblazers throughout history. And I was especially excited to see that they’ve chosen Ida B. Wells as their next historic figure to expose to a new...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
If a dollhouse is on your kids’ holiday wish lists, don’t forget to include some dollhouse dolls so that they can get right to the business of playing (while you clean up wrapping paper). But unlike dollhouses which come in lots of different styles, from...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Our kids never cease to amaze us. Those minds are just so fluid and open, they’re always coming up with brilliant ideas and creative inventions that our cynical adult brains would probably nix before the ideas got halfway off the ground. So we asked a whole...