Parachute Pants Not Included

Parachute Pants Not Included

It’s the plight of pregnant women everywhere, and I’m not talking about constipation. Damn that belly grabbing! No matter how hard I tried, I could never get people to stop pawing at me. So maybe people will heed the words of...
Little Love Monkeys

Little Love Monkeys

I know a few moms who think that Valentine’s day is strictly for adult-sized people. But knowing how much my toddler adores holidays, there’s no way I could leave her out entirely while her dad and I pop the Moet and scarf down truffles. If...
Obama? Hillary? Duck?

Obama? Hillary? Duck?

I admit that my eyes have been glued to the Presidential debates and caucuses, much to the chagrin of my Noggin-addicted three-year-old. So instead of fighting about when she gets to watch the Backyardigans next, I’m going to get her fired up about a better...
Show the Love All Year Long

Show the Love All Year Long

We’re certainly not anti-Valentine’s Day here at Cool Mom Picks; I mean what crazy person is going to turn down an excuse to eat chocolates and get flowers? But we like to think that if you’re going to stock up on holiday-type stuff...
Details, Details

Details, Details

Much to some people’s surprise, I’m a fairly crafty person. That’s not to say you’ll see me making my son a commemorative first birthday quilt or anything, but I do what I can to add personalized touches for parties and special occasions.Even...
Heads Turning Heads

Heads Turning Heads

I love that we’ve still got a good few months of hat-wearing weather in my neck of the woods, only partly because my bald baby rocks the chapeaux rather nicely without all those fussy locks to get in the way. Our latest happening haberdashery find: The awesome...
Decorating With Florals

Decorating With Florals

New Year’s not being what I had hoped for (i.e. We both passed out well before midnight) we’ve got a bit of a leftover stash of bubbly in the fridge. So my plan is to crack it open and turn a few regular old Tuesdays into something more special. And when I...