Hey kids – Go play outside!

Hey kids – Go play outside!

Here in Atlanta where I live, the weather has been nice since the beginning of March, which means my kids have already exhausted Hide n’ Seek, Freeze Tag, and two entire boxes of sidewalk chalk. So when I saw this book when I was at the Mom 2.0 Summit in New...
Calling all NYC area mamas and mamas-to-be!

Calling all NYC area mamas and mamas-to-be!

Besides brownstones and indie coffee shops, Brooklyn is also known for being home to oodles and oodles of families. (As our Ed-in-Chief Liz can attest.) So it makes perfect sense that the first ever Child Grows in Brooklyn Baby Expo would take place in New...
Modern art for the road

Modern art for the road

Now that my nineteen month old has officially reached the dreaded “dropsy stage,” I try to attach everything I can to her stroller and high chair, from her sippy cup to her toys. So, when I found the MoMA Shapes and Colors Stroller Cards, I was...


Here’s the bad news: In the next few days, Congress will vote on a bill that could completely eliminate all federal funding for public broadcasting. That’s not an exaggeration.Here’s the good news: There’s still time to save Elmo.The government...
I got your Situation right here, baby

I got your Situation right here, baby

I am horrified to admit that I have, upon occasion, watched Jersey Shore. I mean uh, I was just flipping through the channels on the way to a very educational nature show and accidentally stumbled upon it. Once. For four seconds.It’s clear that this is the...