by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, Cards + Stationery, School Gear
When we were growing up, the best part about back-to-school season was always shopping for school supplies. But things have come a long way from the small thrill of finding a Trapper Keeper pattern that matched your personality. In fact, our friends at Minted are back...
by Christina Refford | Entertainment + Media
If you guys are anything like me, the news that ABC will share some of our favorite Schoolhouse Rock videos on network television in The ABC’s of Schoolhouse Rock made my day. And since I’ve been sharing the best Schoolhouse Rock videos on YouTube with my kids...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
Summer may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean kids will be hanging up their scooters anytime soon. In some neighborhoods, we’re even scooting to school and hopefully safely. Our partner Micro Kickboard (we love them so much!) is a brand we all have...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
During this back-to-school season, it can be kind of easy to forget that there are some kids in the world who don’t go to school at all. But you can help–all with the purchase of a super-cool bookbag or backpack from an amazing company. After a trip to...
by Lexi Petronis | Storage + Organization
I’ve been staring down the task of tagging a bunch of different items for my daughter’s foray back to school. I don’t know if it’s because she’s now a pre-K-er–a.k.a., one of the “big kids,” (sniff)–or if that eau...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We can never resist the chance to give away cool stuff to all of you cool moms out there. (But only the cool stuff. Just so that’s clear.) So we love that our sponsor ShopRunner is asking our readers to fill out this short (and fun!) survey about back to...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
It’s 104 degrees outside, and you know what that means: back to school and our annual Back to School Shopping Guide! We know– it doesn’t make much sense. But we also know that the next few ultra-sunny weeks will require new clothes, shoes, backpacks,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
These days, not everyone wants (or needs) to spend money on a brand new backpack or lunchbox for the kids each school year. So I like the idea of finding those fun little doodads that help liven up backpacks and make them feel new again.If you’re looking for a...