by Christina Refford | Kid Style
If I’m going to go through the trouble of suiting up three kids to play in the snow, they had better stay out there for longer than it took me to get them dressed. But an armful of snow lodged in the wrist is a total bummer, so back before my oldest could make a...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
As it turns out, Target and H+M no longer have a lock on the lower priced clothing from high-end designers thing. We recently got a look at the brand new Stella McCartney for Gap Kids and Baby line, and the verdict is, many enthusiastic thumbs up. Don’t expect...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Whether you’re pregnant like me, nursing, or just hanging onto a bit of baby weight for nostalgia’s sake, we all have one thing in common: Major boobage. Some of it more major than others (raising hand here). Which means that sometimes you need a little...
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Gift Guide, Toys + Playthings
Each year, we love putting together a list of affordable holiday gifts for kids under $15 to go with our list of 60+ holiday gifts for adults under $15. It’s nice to know there are plenty of affordable gifts that still seem like big deals to kids, tweens, and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Spawned Podcast
Whether you’re a woman nearing thirty, forty, fifty, or well beyond — have I got good news for you. Debra Whitman PhD, expert on aging and longevity, AARP Chief Public Policy Officer, and author of The Second Fifty: Answers to the 7 Big Questions of...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults, Spawned Podcast
Parenting is messy business, and yet there are some people on the internet who make it look easy — or at least really fun. Because they actually are having fun. One of those people is arguably Gabrielle Blair, who you may know as Design Mom. If you don’t...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Spawned Podcast
A lot of moms in my life are hitting a new chapter right now, asking themselves, “What’s next for me? Should I stick with this career? Do I really have entrepreneurship in me? Should I write a book? And who am I after my kids leave the home?” If...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Spawned Podcast
Here we are entering the stressful back-to-school season, just in time for the US Surgeon General’s advisory about parents and mental health, on top of the knowledge that kids have been struggling for a while too. So what can we do about it all? This week on...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
“Joy rebels.” Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful thing to teach our kids to be? If you think so too, you’re going to love my conversation with NY Times best-selling author and illustrator, director, dad, and all-around excellent human, Brad...