by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Why do car manufacturers leap to the conclusion that moms and minivans are synonymous? Do they think that we all just turned in our sense of style and adventure along with our placentas? Shopping for a car can be frustrating, particularly for women who are...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
We constantly come across maternity tee-shirts with cheeky statements that try to fend off questions like, "when are you due?" or "what are you having?" But personally, I’d rather spend my money on clothes I’ll actually be able to wear...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
When it comes to making new mom friends, I have excellent intentions but admittedly, terrible follow-through. Sometimes life just gets in the way of picking up the phone and making plans. Thankfully, a fantastic new website is making it easy to connect with your...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
As a kid, I always wanted a cool pair of rainboots. I had one of those mothers who never got around to buying them and when a rainy day came, she instead sent me outside in a pair of plastic sandwich bags wrapped around my shoes. You only think I’m joking. So...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I just finished reading Judith Warner’s Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety. Considering I haven’t read a book since I became a mother, that in itself should tell you a lot. But, in order to pass the time at the gym, I have been known to read...