So You Think You Can Dance?

So You Think You Can Dance?

We’re already huge fans of Baby Loves Disco, and for good reason. Any child-friendly event that combines ABBA, hummus, and beeris on the top of my list. But add a contest and prizes to the mix and we’re talking serious business. This Fall, Baby Loves...
Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Come On Baby, Light My Fire

Now that the weather is reaching stratospheric temperatures in my Northeastern neck of the woods, naturally my thoughts turn to barbecue. Nothing like that classic combo of a huge open flame and 147% humidity. The charming bbq invitation from Hicks Paper is just the...
Che What?

Che What?

You know a trend has peaked when the parodies start making the rounds. And the best one we’ve seen yet: This new take on the already ooooold Che Guevara tee at that says I have no idea who this is. While it’s absolutely hilarious on a toddler,...
Here Kid, Darn My Socks

Here Kid, Darn My Socks

I’ve learned not to invest too much in craft supplies for every new project that strikes my girls’ fancy. One moment you’re bringing home fabric paints and the next they’re like, "No mom, we want the Bedazzler!" Both of which, by the...
The End of Cooties As We Know It

The End of Cooties As We Know It

As anyone who’s ever thrown a party knows, you need about six times as many cups as guests. Mainly because half of them get wasted when the guests get…well, wasted…and forget which half-full cup was theirs after they put it down. Or worse, instead of...
It’s All in the Cards

It’s All in the Cards

There are a few things in life that you don’t realize you need until someone gives you it to you. And then you can’t believe you ever lived without them. Like that battery operated "massager." Thin Mints in the freezer. And personalized note...