That’s Kangaroo Rat to You

That’s Kangaroo Rat to You

With the gaggles of educational animal shows and books out there, the cows, chickens, and puppy dogs of my childhood have been replaced with orangutans, meerkats, and my daughter’s current favorite, chinchillas. When not just any old farm animal...
Details, Details

Details, Details

Much to some people’s surprise, I’m a fairly crafty person. That’s not to say you’ll see me making my son a commemorative first birthday quilt or anything, but I do what I can to add personalized touches for parties and special occasions.Even...
Moving On From Macaroni Necklaces

Moving On From Macaroni Necklaces

My older daughter and I have finally reached the point where we can do crafts together that involve more than just dry pasta and pipe cleaners. There’s only two problems: 1) I’m lacking the creative-mom gene. 2) I’m not enthused about projects that...
Europe on $40 a Day

Europe on $40 a Day

When I was little, I was lucky enough to go to this super cool place in Holland called Madurodam, an entire city done in miniature. You could even drop a coin into certain displays and watch a teeny wedding party enter a teeny cathedral or have a teeny boat cruise...