by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Tips + Tricks
While some aspects of parenting little ones have gotten easier over the years, thanks to baby food makers, nursing stations in airports, and 24/7 streaming cartoons (ha), potty training is one thing that remains a major source of stress and frustration for so many...
by Georgette Gilmore | Baby
I tried reward charts, treats, and downright begging when it came to potty training, and my daughter was having none of it. So when I heard about Pee-kaboo potty training stickers, created by a stay-at-home mother of two who lives in my own town (go New Jersey moms!)...
by Kate Etue | Kid Style, Baby
Since sunscreen applications, checking swim diapers, and dragging a bag full of snacks, toys, and towels to the pool all falls on the grown-up in charge, we’re up for anything to make it easier. We’ve found that the new swimsuits from Fastenswim are a big...
by Christina Refford | Baby
First: A caveat. The name Poop ‘n Pull makes us all laugh every time. So much so, that we almost dismissed it just on the name alone. But on closer look, this is a seriously smart potty training reward system for parents of young kids ready to ditch the diapers....
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
I jumped through many hoops to get my son to finally use the potty: candy rewards, sticker charts, pleading. But I never did try a potty-training doll since I found most of them to be kind of unappealing as a doll that you’d want to snuggle at night after...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
I thought my three-year-old was a total potty pro until I learned today that he has been peeing in his closet every night for a week.Oops.If only we had this fresh and truly inventive new potty, I think a lot of things would stink less. You might think it would...
by Melissa | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
As a mom of two boys, I have cleaned up a lot of pee in the past six years. Potty training boys involves many missed toilet bowls, thanks to potties that don’t accommodate the special needs of boy parts. If only I had had a Potty Wiz, a new smart potty training...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I am not a germaphobe at all. I’ve gotten through the great NYC Swine Flu Debacle of 2009 without much more than a hand washing, and I have yet to hear one story of one person getting any illness whatsoever from a public toilet seat. That said, I know that...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
When my daughter started potty training, I was introduced to the world of toddler underpants that come smothered in the 2-D world of licensed characters. While I can sort of see the incentive of wearing your favorite talking animal on your bum, I’d like to think...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We all love swapping war stories with another mom friend: You share your potty training adventures, she describes her toddler’s attempts to escape from the crib. By conversation’s end you’re laughing, crying, and grateful for the venting that keeps...