It’s hip to be rectangular

It’s hip to be rectangular

With all the building toys in my three-kid household, I find it amusing that their new favorite is a box of same-sized, non-painted, rectangular pieces of wood from CitiBlocs. You can almost hear all the other blocks protesting, “But I’m colorful!”,...
Ja, Little Mon

Ja, Little Mon

On a recent drive to the beach, my kids and I glumly watched the black clouds rolling in as we all collectively whined, “Rain again?” Fortunately the CD I chose to turn on at that moment was Asheba’s totally fun calypso and world beat release, In The...
The lazy mom’s smoothie

The lazy mom’s smoothie

My kids are fruit-eating machines, which is great except for when we get the urge to make a smoothie and have only a sad spotted banana left on the counter. Short of planting my own orchard, I’m happy to have discovered the new all-natural Chiquita Smoothies...
Soft books for babies go green

Soft books for babies go green

Since I’ve become a parent, my delight with Peter Rabbit has been replaced with a desire to give him a time out for eating Farmer Brown’s veggies and disobeying his mama. He’s figuring out how to win we me over again though, by going green with his...
Big yellow school bus

Big yellow school bus

Of all the things my homeschooled kids miss about not going “back to school” in the traditional sense, it’s not having a daily ride on a school bus that ranks at the top. And now that they’ve caught site of this handmade Painted School Bus...