by Julie | Books for Kids
I used to collect books the way other people collect whatever it is they collect, but since having kids, my book-buying budget has been re-allocated to board books, and a trip to the library means sitting in a circle for story time. Then I found BookSwim, and I cursed...
by Julie | Entertainment + Media
I have allowed my children to invade nearly all areas of my life. There are chicken nuggets in my freezer, tricycles in my driveway, and hordes of toys in every room of the house. But I admit I’ve drawn the line at listening to children’s music, even...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
I used to be really good at remembering names and faces. A little stalkerish even. But then I had children and a good percentage of my brain cells expired from lack of sleep. Now I’m lucky if I remember my own name, let alone the names of those three...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
While I’ll happily spend hours browsing through all types of stationery, searching for just the right mix of simplicity and elegance, greeting cards almost always leave me cold. Blame it on years of searching for some idealistic notion of preprinted...