With today being Pi Day, I cannot advocate for scribbling the first 10 or so digits of Pi on one’s sneaker soles before a test in math class. (Not that I’d ever know of such things.) But I can certainly go for the transparency of the awesome set of Pi pencils found at the Columbus based Wacodis Etsy shop.

I love the pretty pastels juxtaposed with the exquisite nerdery of 3.141592653589793238462… and so on. Nice bonus that they’re USA-made.

Related: 50+ seriously cool gifts for men and women, all under $15

Pi pencils are a perfect geeky gift on Pi Day...or any day really

Today, March 14, is of course a perfect day to order them. Mmm….Pi. 

Find the of Pi pencils and other fun geeky pencil designs online at Wacodis.
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