While we’re enjoying a little time off for summer, we’re updating some of our greatest hits Spawned episodes you might have missed —  and one of our favorites is this fantastic chat with Dr. Catherine Pearlman, author of Ignore It!: How Selectively Looking the Other Way Can Decrease Behavioral Problems and Increase Parenting Satisfaction.

Wait..really? Looking the other way? Isn’t that like…EVERYTHING parents have been taught not to do?

You can imagine that we learned a ton from Catherine in this discussion, and we think you will too.

Take a listen right here, right now:

You can also listen on iTunes where you can subscribe to Spawned with Kristen + Liz so you never miss an episode. (That’s a big hint by the way…we’d love it if you’d subscribe to Spawned!)

Ignore It!: How Selectively Looking the Other Way Can Decrease Behavioral Problems and Increase Parenting Satisfaction | Catherine Pearlman

Also be sure to grab Dr. Catherine Pearlman’s terrific parenting book, Ignore It! from our affiliate Amazon, your library, or support your local indie bookshop and pick it up there.

Related: Thanks, Mr. Rogers: A brilliant parenting trick I learned from “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

Cool Picks of the Week

Fix-it friends book series helps kids make better decisions
CATHERINE: The Fix-it Friends book series by Nicole C Kear, about problem-solving kids.
(Amazon affiliate link, or find it at your library at your local bookstore.)

Cool pick of the week on #SpawnedShow podcast: Issa Ray's relatable Insecure series on HBO

KRISTEN: Issa Rae’s relatable HBO comedy series, Insecure, now on Season 3. Watch it!

Cool, smart slogan t-shirts for kids: Future Whatever I Want to Be by Catch A Wave Designs

LIZThese 11 wonderful t-shirts for kids that encourage a love for learning — including one that has us all laughing every time we see it. (This Future Whatever I Want to Be kids tee from Etsy’s Catch A Wave Designs)

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