For years, we have wanted to host some kind of parenting book club for our readers — an opportunity for us to chat about some of the hot topics and best titles out there that interest parents today, without too much pressure or time.

(We get it! We’re overextended moms ourselves!)

So thanks to the magic of Facebook Live video, a plethora of fabulous parenting books on our nightstands, and the motivation to finally just do this, we’re excited to launch the Cool Mom Picks Book Club.

And we’re so so so excited (like, super excited, can you tell?) that the Cool Mom Picks Book Club is sponsored by The Wines of Vinho Verde. Could there be a more perfect match?

Vino Verdhe Alvarinho is a versatile white from Portugal that goes with all kinds of food (sponsor)

This is going to be so fun and easy!

Every few weeks, we’ll offer up a new non-fiction title to read (or even skim, if you’re short on time — no pressure) around the kinds of parenting topics we’re all discussing anyway.

Kristen and Liz will then take turns hosting a live Facebook chat about it so you can ask questions, share your thoughts, and even invite your own friends into discussions about decluttering, raising digital kids, understanding teenage brains, and more.

To kick things off, we’ll be starting with Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of  Stress and Anxiety in Girls, by Lisa Damour. 

Cool Mom Picks Book Club selection 1: Under Pressure by Lisa Damour has been called "an invaluable read for anyone who has girls, works with girls, or cares about girls"

Under Pressure has been called “an invaluable read for anyone who has girls, works with girls, or cares about girls” — and that’s us, for sure. So feel free to buy a copy online or at your local indie book store, check it out at the library, or download the ebook so you can join Kristen (mom of three girls!) for what’s sure to be a terrific discussion on May 15.

Here are the discussion questions for Under Pressure, which you can use to help guide your reading, or just reference when you’re done.

About the Wines of Vinho Verde

Presenting the Cool Mom Picks virtual book club, sponsored by the Portuguese wines of Vinho Verde

If you’re looking for wonderfully fresh, versatile, food-friendly wines that pair perfectly with snacks, meals, and relaxing with your favorite books, the Wines of Vinho Verde are a perfect choice.

Vinho Verde wines hail from one of the oldest wine regions in Portugal, and each bottle blends grape varietals like the nicely-balanced Loureiro, the aromatic and low-acid Trajadura, and the floral and fruity Alvarinho, which is one of our own favorites.

You’ll find red, white, even rosé (all day, ha) — and best of all, the prices are fantastic! So, more money for books, right?

More Info on How our Book Club works

The 2019 Cool Mom Picks book club: How it works

1. Check here for the upcoming book selection every two weeks. Don’t worry; if you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you’ll get updates there too.

2. We’ll post a few questions and idea starters for our Facebook Live discussion. Feel free to keep them in mind as you read, or check them later.

3. In about two weeks (don’t worry, we’re picking short, non-fiction books of interest to parents) we’ll have a live Facebook chat on the Cool Mom Picks Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you — and best of all, for you all to hear from each other! Feel free to make snacks, pour yourself a glass of your favorite Vinho Verde, and stay in your pjs.

4. We’ll give you a heads up about the next book we’ll be discussing. That’s it!

Book Club Selection 1: Under Pressure by Lisa Damour

If you have any questions, leave them below in comments, and we look forward to seeing you on May 15 at 9PM ET discuss our first selection.

Thanks so much to our wonderful sponsor, The Wines of Vinho Verde, which are perfect with any appetizer, snack or meal, any time of year at all. You can learn more about them on their website, or visit Vinho Verde Wines on Facebook.