by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
After speaking with Dr. Ken Ginbsburg on our Spawned Parenting Podcast, I went out and bought all his books, one of which I’m thrilled to share is the next pick for our Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club. I found his approach to parenting teens (and well, kids in...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults, Books for Kids
This go round, we’re going to change things up a bit in the Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club, because I’m going to be talking about two selections that I know are relevant to so many parents these days. In light of the recent Climate Strike marches around...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
I’m super excited to share the next Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club selection that many awesome people in my life have raved about. And sure, it’s not technically a parenting book, but who cares? If we’re making positive changes in our lives (and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults
I’m particularly thrilled to reveal the next selection in the Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club, because it’s been a book that’s been on my own must-read list too. For selection 8, I’ve chosen No More Mean Girls: The Secret to Raising Strong,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We are thrilled to announce the seventh selection in our Cool Mom Picks Book Club, The Yes Brain, by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. (From our affiliate Amazon or find it at your local book store.) If the title doesn’t say enough about the book, their...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We’ve been having so much fun with the Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club so far, and it’s been amazing getting so much feedback from all of you, what you’re learning, and how some of the ideas we’re sharing are impacting the way you look at...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’re back with our fifth selection for the Cool Mom Picks Book Club with The New Childhood: Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World a book by Jordan Shapiro I’ve raved about for months over on Cool Mom Tech. It covers the topic of digital parenting unlike...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We are so excited about the fourth selection in in our Cool Mom Picks Book Club because it’s a topic every parent can use help with, no matter how old our kids. We’re talking about how to be a happier parent! And the book that’s going to guide us is,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We’re back with our third selection for the Cool Mom Picks Book Club with a brand new book that’s perfect for Father’s Day: Raising Empowered Daughters: A Dad to Dad Guide, by our friend and author Mike Adamick. Sure, it’s for dads, and...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
We are thrilled to announce the second selection in our Low-Commitment Cool Mom Picks Book Club with a topic that’s near and dear to me: Radical Kindness: The Life-Changing Power of Giving and Receiving, from best-selling author, children’s TV creator, and...