I’ve been so happy to see clothing brands expanding their offerings to meet the diverse needs of their customers, whether it’s Halloween costumes for kids with special needs or adaptive clothing for kids with sensory issues. And this new Zappo’s  “Single and Different Shoe Size” test program that lets you buy a single shoe at a time? It’s pretty terrific, too.

By allowing the purchase of single shoes, those with a prosthesis, amuptees, even people wearing foot casts, or those with different-sized feed can get exactly what they need, rather than paying for an extra shoe.


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You can now purchase single shoes, or shoes in different sizes from select brands at Zappos through their Adaptive program

You can now buy a single shoe from some top brands through Zappos adaptive clothing program

We love that Zappo's new single shoe test program comes in kids' sizes too!

Related: 8 outstanding books that teach empathy for kids with special needs

So far the test program offers a pretty small collection of shoe styles — mainly sneakers — from a select few brands like Nike, Converse, New Balance, Stride Ride kids, and three styles for toddlers/little kids from CMP favorite, PLAE. I’m hoping they’ll expand more in the future but for now, it feels like an important gesture in making the world of footwear fashion a little more inclusive.

Here’s hoping one day everyone can wear the exact espadrille, clog, or chunky boot of their choosing.

Find the Single Shoe test program as part of Zappo’s Adaptive collection, offering options like easy-on shoes, seated clothing, and orthotic footwear.