by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
People who know me live and in person tell me they often think of me in terms of my jewelry – big, chunky, interesting, often made of glass. Yes, glass. And when they ask where I got it, I find myself saying, more often than not, “It’s Erica...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
It seems like just yesterday I was proclaiming my love for the new TOMS wedges for summer. And I pretty much was, actually, but now that fall is around the corner, wouldn’t you know TOMS launched a new line just in time for me to make the switch. These shoes are...
by Carrie | Baby, Fashion
I know none of us cared what we looked like during the moments our babies were born. The health of baby and mama were the most important things in the universe, and there was very little room for vanity. But when I think back to all the hours (many many hours) before...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Fashion
I’m loathe to buy any new maternity clothes in the middle of my 3rd trimester, but it’s also the point in my pregnancy where all my favorite items start to get a little tight – except for my one all-time favorite piece, my trusty BumpStyle maternity...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
I’m back from Germany, and I’ve got jet lag, chocolate, and answers to your questions regarding Weleda’s biodynamic farm. I’ve also got stories about canceled credit cards, hairy men in capri pants, blood sausage, and homeless hedgehogs wearing...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
The first time I saw that little pink plus sign, my life changed. Not only because I was going to bring a human being into the world, but also because I knew that the skin care section of my medicine cabinet had become a mine field. No salicylic acid. No parabens. No...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
With a Caribbean business trip coming up (I know, cry for me) I started looking into cute little summery bags. Something just big enough for a room key, a camera and maybe a little scarf for my shoulders should the breeze fall below oh, say 75 at night. When I...
by Christina Refford | Beauty + Cosmetics
Unless your family summer plans involve hibernating in the local million-plex theater and surviving on popcorn and Twizzlers, you can be assured of one thing: There will be sun. Which means we mamas can’t leave home without packing plenty of sunscreen. But since...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
I’m definitely a huge fan of big, bold jewelry, but when it comes to the more sentimental pieces for myself and really, gifts for others, I tend to like the simpler designs. Like the lovely monogrammed pendant from Three Sisters Jewelry which would make the...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I reluctantly retired my favorite brown leather handbag for the summer and decided to give canvas a try. And let’s just say, I’m going to have a hard time going back once it starts to get cold again. Indeed this adorable houndstooth bag from Quote still...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
I can tell you the story of my life through scent, from that first, huge bottle of Beautiful in high school to CK Truth at my first job to my recent addiction to BPAL. Right now, as my second child rounds the corner of two and I start to feel like a real person again,...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I’ve kept my eye on TOMS shoes for a long time, hoping for a style that might just fit my fancy over their classic flat slip on that I just don’t think I can pull off. And I think I just found it in the newest member of the TOMS shoes family. Lucky for me,...