by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Fashion
Invisibelt is basically an invisible belt that every fashionista seems to be buzzing about these days. Yes, it’s invisible in that magic Wonderwoman airplane sort of a way because it’s clear plastic, but also invisible in that it’s designed to lie...
by Rita | Beauty + Cosmetics
I tote hand sanitizer–referred to in our house as “goo”–pretty much everywhere. I’m not a germaphobe, but we do seem to have recurring interactions with petting zoos and gross gas station restrooms. I’m not picky about my hand...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I love the convenience of a nursing shirt but I hate that they scream “nursing shirt” when I’m not actually nursing my baby. So if there’s a top that will actually leave people guessing, it’s the amazing kimono nursing top from Isabella...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
So now I totally know what I’ll be handing out along with the candy on Friday. Presenting the totally disgusting–and I mean that in the best possible way–Scabs Bandages.Created by a friend of a friend, I’m so glad she turned me onto the...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
I hate hiking up my shirt to breastfeed my baby almost as much as I loathe the nursing tees with the overhanging half shirt, no matter how convenient and discreet they might be. But that all changed when I was introduced to Momzelle Organic Nursing Tops. These...
by Danielle | Beauty + Cosmetics
There is nothing quite like the feeling of having everything you need in your purse. Tissues? Check. Crayons? Check. Emergency first aid for all aiments both real and imagined? Check. That’s why I am a huge fan of the Plein de Vie On-the-Go Remedy Stick. Made of...
by Kristen Chase | Beauty + Cosmetics
It seems that turning four has brought us into the world of dramatics, particularly when we fall down and even just barely bump our knee on the carpet. And by we I mean not me. Instead of appeasing my daughter with our stash of bandaids, I’ve been using the Hero...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Beauty + Cosmetics, Fashion
The way I see it, with every baby I have my boobs drop a centimeter. That’s not so bad when you’re wearing a super duper mama bra, but not so great when you’re letting them hang free for those precious 15 minutes before going horizontal at night. So...
by Cool Mom Team | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
Oh sure, now that I’m almost done with my third pregnancy, scores of great maternity clothes are popping up everywhere. But considering how uncomfortable (and long) these last few weeks have been, I’m still shopping for anything that can get me through the...
by Julie | Baby, Beauty + Cosmetics, Fashion
I’m conspicuously absent from photos taken after the birth of each of my babies. I know a lot of you mamas knows what I’m talking about. But it wasn’t even my complexion and weight that were making me camera-shy; it was my lady parts–my tender...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
If there’s one essential in any maternity wardrobe, I’d have to go with a wrap dress. It’s generally flattering to all body shapes, regardless of which direction your belly and butt tends to spread, although if not done well, it can definitely look...