Holding out for a hero

Holding out for a hero

It seems that turning four has brought us into the world of dramatics, particularly when we fall down and even just barely bump our knee on the carpet. And by we I mean not me. Instead of appeasing my daughter with our stash of bandaids, I’ve been using the Hero...
Tweed: In. Cool.

Tweed: In. Cool.

CMP fave indie handbag designer Crystalyn Kae has taken the plunge into tweed and I’m not complaining a bit. The fabric formerly known as stuffy gets a fabulous makeover with Crystalyn’s innovative shapes, judicious use of hardware, and contrasting accent...
Mama For Obama? Cool T-Shirts On Tap.

Mama For Obama? Cool T-Shirts On Tap.

Cool Mom Picks takes no official position on the presidential candidates besides keeping our eyes out for the coolest tees of the season on both sides of the aisles. Apologies to the GOP readers amongst us, but I believe the winner goes to (ding ding ding) the funky...