by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I know I’m very lucky to only have to pump as an extra curricular activity. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the benefits of owning a PumpEase, a cool mom-created product that allows you to use your regular old electric breast pump with no...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Is there any better time to reintroduce the joys of tooth-brushing to your kids than Halloween? I’m going to say no. Which gives me the perfect segueway to introduce all of you to the joys of Recycline’s Preserve toothbrush.The handle is made...
by Mir | Helpful Services
I’m online all day long: On the computer in my office, on my handheld on the go. If you want me, text or email is the way to reach me, which is why I sometimes simply blink at you with incomprehension when you suggest we do things via this paper mail thing or...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
I’m all for taking my daughters with me to the poll on election day and introducing them to the cornerstone of our democracy. Besides, in New York, we’ve still got the old skool voting booths, and there’s no way my three-year old would miss out on...
by Danielle | Helpful Services
About three days after I gave birth to my daughter, my friend Lisa brought over some dinner. I can still remember the exact menu: Bulgarian Stuffed Peppers, salad and a loaf of crusty bread. In my post-birthing daze, it was the single best gift I...
by Mir | Helpful Services
My daughter chuckled nervously as the DVD from the My First Period Kit began with the image of Dr. Chrystal de Freitas facing a group of tweens and their moms. But within minutes we were both riveted. Where else were we going to see a tampon inserted into a balloon?...