Cool Mom Picks loves Parents Magazine

Cool Mom Picks loves Parents Magazine

If you’re one of the millions of moms who, like us, pass the time in the OB waiting room by flipping through Parents Magazine and then sneak it out in your bag (shhhhhh!), chances are you might have caught Cool Mom Picks co-founder and editor Liz Gumbinner...
Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Breathing New Life Into That Old Bjorn

Thanks to Cool Mom Picks, I’ve expanded my babywearing horizons to include wraps and slings, but I can never abandon my beloved Swedish front carrier standby, no matter how much drool coats its surface. However thanks to My Little Roo, I can dress up my old...
SaraBear: Not Just Any Old Basket

SaraBear: Not Just Any Old Basket

I’m probably the last person on earth who would consider using a diaper caddy. But try and steal my new and improved SaraBear Basket from me and you’ll have one angry pregnant chick on your hands. At first glance you might think, ooh, lined basket, big...