by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
If you’re one of the millions of moms who, like us, pass the time in the OB waiting room by flipping through Parents Magazine and then sneak it out in your bag (shhhhhh!), chances are you might have caught Cool Mom Picks co-founder and editor Liz Gumbinner...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Thanks to Cool Mom Picks, I’ve expanded my babywearing horizons to include wraps and slings, but I can never abandon my beloved Swedish front carrier standby, no matter how much drool coats its surface. However thanks to My Little Roo, I can dress up my old...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Custom photo confetti? At first I had a hard time imagining what anyone would want with that. Teeny tiny pictures? Wouldn’t they just look like pixelated blobs? But that was before I had a look at some actual Partydotts, oversized confetti featuring up to six of...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
The dirty little secret of parents everywhere is that their babies don’t sleep. I know because every time I confess to a mom friend that my youngest was up every two hours for bottles until 11 months, I get a similar story in return. What is with you kids...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I’m probably the last person on earth who would consider using a diaper caddy. But try and steal my new and improved SaraBear Basket from me and you’ll have one angry pregnant chick on your hands. At first glance you might think, ooh, lined basket, big...
by Liz Gumbinner | Helpful Services
I find that reading labels is hard enough when I’m trying to figure out which cereal has less fat, or whether sugar is hidden in yogurt using some sixteen-syllable code name. But when you’ve got a kid with serious allergies, keeping an eye out for certain...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Packing for vacation used to be a labor of love, laying out the outfits and the shoes as I anticipated all the fun ahead. But now that I’m a parent and the airlines limit me to 50 pounds of baggage to boot, packing can be a nightmare. JetSetBabies is my...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
The CMP staff has just returned from the BlogHer conference, that magical yearly event in which hundreds of bloggers gather together to hone our craft, take thousands of photos and drink copious amounts of wine – yes, even those of us toting our babies in...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
My daughter is insistent on drawing anywhere and everywhere, which isn’t so bad when we’re sitting in our kitchen. When we’re in our car it can present a bit of a problem. But now with her Room it Up lap desk, I can barely get her to come out, even...