by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
I only wish Gifted at Birth had been around when my daughter was born. A service that delivers newborn essentials then has a premiere NYC doula on call either in person (in the city) or on the phone (everywhere else) to tell you how to use it all? H to the...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
One would think that because I run a shopping website, my husband would have no trouble finding me gifts. Every year I tell him to just click on anything in our Baubles and Bags category and he’ll be the world’s greatest husband. But every year, he ignores...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
It’s taken me three children in six years to reach this point, but I’m finally comfortable nursing in public – with a nursing cover. And in my search for the ideal one, I’ve found that most of them are the same. The JOIA Mommy Cover however...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
My kids have an uncanny sense of medical timing. Exactly two minutes after the pediatrician’s office closes, one (or both) will develop a high fever, raging earache, or troublesome cough. Two minutes after that I’ll be consulting my friend Mr. Google to...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Six hundred or so digital photos later and I couldn’t find one that was just right for the announcements. (To say nothing of the pics of me for which I should have demanded professional lighting and Vaseline over the lens.) The baby: Perfect. My photography...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
Sometimes I am scared to use boo-boo panaceas for fear that my children will think them the only thing that can heal. The last thing you want is to be caught at the playground without a "magic Band Aid" to calm your hysterical child. Even so, my daughter has...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Self-serve baby announcements that you create on the computer aren’t necessarily my thing. Although I appreciate the cost savings (particular for children number two through 17) I am always squidgy about the quality of those things, to say nothing of the banal...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
My mother-in-law spared no opportunity to laud the wondrous and all mighty playpen. Yes, it’s useful when traveling or when you just can’t chase after your wee one any longer. But she relied on it so much with my husband, I’m surprised he...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
The toothbrush holder is only one small germy step above laying your toothbrush on the bathroom sink. But since trashing ours and swapping out for a Flipper, I’m feeling way more confident that my daughter’s toothbrush is actually cleaning her teeth...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
Of all the things most likely to make a new parent’s head spin, I submit that it’s not the colicky baby or the first diaper blow-out that’s the hardest. That honor belongs to the selection of a car seat. The Kyle David Miller Foundation was...