Beautiful ornaments with a past life.

Beautiful ornaments with a past life.

Garfield has never been called elegant, nor is Snoopy considered stylish. And yet, in the right hands, the Sunday comics are being transformed into stunning holiday ornaments. The Sea Urchin Recycled Newspaper Ornament from kissadesign on Etsy is a fun new twist on...
A birthday banner that’s quite a hoot

A birthday banner that’s quite a hoot

We were so impressed with the gorgeous eco-friendly holiday cards from Night Owl Paper Goods last year that we ordered them for our own CMP contributors. So when I heard they added a few new items to their collection of goodies, I couldn’t wait to take a peek....
Shop. Get deals. Give back. Why we love Pure Citizen.

Shop. Get deals. Give back. Why we love Pure Citizen.

Oh, honey. You know we love our flash deal sites. Gilt for designer duds? Check! Fab for home goods? Totally! Little Rue for kids? Please! Ideeli for splurges? You get the picture. And it goes on. But this one has a unique twist that makes our hearts feel as light as...
Furniture even a kid can build

Furniture even a kid can build

I love family projects that are truly intended for the whole family. You know, instead the kind where on parent works (and gets frustrated), the other parent helps (and offers constructive advice), and the kids sit waiting impatiently. Sprout, a US based modern...
From Cradle to College

From Cradle to College

I love that furniture designers have stopped looking at cribs as a utilitarian object, and started embracing their artistic nature. GroFurniture is a stunning new eco-friendly furniture line, all made in the USA by real furniture artisans. It was started by a husband...
You recycle, you upcycle…and now you can Hipcycle

You recycle, you upcycle…and now you can Hipcycle

There is nothing that gets my inner MacGyver going more than upcycling. The creativity it takes to see something useful in a random everyday object–love it, not to mention the fact it can be an earth-friendlier way to shop. It totally explains my current bag of...
Here kitty, kitty kitty…

Here kitty, kitty kitty…

I have animal-crazy daughters, a wonderful characteristic I attribute in part to awesome grandparents that think to buy them “animal things” before buying them “princess things.” So I was thrilled to see a nice partnership between National...
The nighttime cloth diaper of my dreams

The nighttime cloth diaper of my dreams

Once upon a time, in the land of cloth diapering, there was a great diapering secret that somehow remained elusive to many parents: the overnight technique. Finding what will work for your particular baby in his particular sleeping arrangement can be tricky, to say...