This schoolhouse rocks

This schoolhouse rocks

Today I was so desperate for a new project to pull the tiny whiners off my knees that I gave them a huge cardboard box and some Sharpies. They ended up just stomping on the bubble wrap inside, much to my headache’s eternal sadness. But if you plan ahead a...
Style, comfort, and karma.

Style, comfort, and karma.

What do you dress your baby in when you want something that’s good for the planet, totally comfortable, and also totally cute? We’ve found quite a few of them over the years and I’m so happy to add Urban Munchkin to the list.[don’t miss the...
Some like it hot, some like it cold

Some like it hot, some like it cold

We’re lunch packers around my house, but when there’s no microwave to heat up anything, it makes it challenging to pack the hot lunch my daughter would beg for. Too bad we didn’t have new Crocodile Creek insulated food jars, now at mom-run boutique...
One more reason to love Klean Kanteen

One more reason to love Klean Kanteen

We all know that drinking lots of water is essential, especially since this summer has been hella-hot. And while the reusable bottle movement is hardly new, these special-edition Fill. Drink. Repeat. bottles from Klean Kanteen give you even more incentive to switch...