Rolling with Dante Beatrix

Rolling with Dante Beatrix

We’re already huge fans of the kids’ backpacks from Dante Beatrix as we already revealed (again) this week, so it’s not surprising that they’ve got some new items we’re adding to the must-have-it-NOW-NOW-NOW list. First of all, their new...
Squiggle it, just a little bit

Squiggle it, just a little bit

Now that I’ve put my foot down on the whole no-DVD-in-the-car thing (the same way Liz had mentioned earlier this week), I better have something to keep my three occupied on long road trips. So along with all the great kids’ music we play, I keep some...
Paging Dr. Mom

Paging Dr. Mom

Seems like every time my girls and I hit the neighborhood playground, there’s a mini injury of some sort. We’ve had the bee sting, the bloody nose, the scraped knee, and the invisible boo-boo that needs more TLC than Neosporin. You know the one. The...