Gentlemen, start your Roku

Gentlemen, start your Roku

If you still haven’t found the perfect Father’s Day gift (hello? Have you even been to our Father’s Day gift guide yet?)  we still have a few ideas up our sleeves that you can get in time to serve up with bagels in bed on June 21.If you’ve...
The key to an awesome Father’s Day

The key to an awesome Father’s Day

While every dad loves the homemade cards and pictures, we always adore services that help turn your child’s doodles into something even more special – maybe even something he can carry with him every day? Mia van Beek of Formia Design offers one-of-a-kind...
Daddy wants a new solar charger

Daddy wants a new solar charger

When considering your options for a more eco Father’s Day (as seems to be the going trend these days), we’re liking Sustain Stores for a whole bunch of earth-friendly and guy-friendly high-tech choices. They’ve got gadgets like solar chargers and eco...
Framed on Father’s Day

Framed on Father’s Day

My kids like to leave me little bits of art on my desk, which is very sweet the first fifty times they do it. But with this awesome Doodlebook Frame I can put my favorite picture of them front and center, and then encourage them to make me a new frame every so often....