by Christina Refford | Food + Recipes
I’ve bought enough chocolate for my milk-allergic daughter to know that milk isn’t a necessary ingredient for super-delicious chocolate, especially when it’s the extra-good-for-you darker varieties. And while Divvies is my first choice for safe,...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
Well, it’s officially Christmas cookie baking season. And while I now know to look out for things like peanuts and eggs, I was surprised to learn recently just how many kids have sensitivities to artificial colors and food dyes. Then I thought of India Tree, a...
by Barbara | Food + Recipes
I am not a big fan of the “f” word. I try to not use it, and I don’t encourage others to use it, either, but I will grudgingly admit to you this once that, yes, I am a “foodie.” I really like to cook and I really like to eat and I have...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Believe it or not, there are kids out there who eat more than spaghetti with butter sauce. Some eat spaghetti and tomato sauce. Some even eat things like (gasp) sushi – and one day I hope to count my kids among them. So I love the onesies from WonderToast found...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
The weather has taken a turn for the worse in New York this week, dropping suddenly into the 40s for no good reason except, apparently, to torment me. And like that, all thoughts have turned from ice cream to hot chocolate. Obviously there’s the store-bought hot...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
I recently treated my kids to a scoop at the local gourmet ice cream shop and was shocked to find that to add a topping (i.e. four M-n-Ms) was about half the price of the ice cream itself. Holy moly. New recession tip: Staying in for ice cream and doing our own fun...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Feminism and other gender equality issues aside, I’m more than happy to relegate the grilling to the sigOth. Men just have some primal need to play with fire, and I’m more than happy to let them. My guy would totally love Grill Charms, which is a smart...