by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I’m a big believer in traveling with kids. It’s never too early to expose them to other cities, other cultures, other foods, and hopefully, the ability to behave on an airplane. (Oh please oh please!) I’m always looking for travel goodies that help...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Doing Good
As you probably know by now, there’s a bill in Congress to ensure that toys and clothing are free of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. Which is good. Unfortunately, while the Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act is well-meaning, the way it’s been...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
I’m pretty sure my Christmas list one year included a puppy, a kitten, a bunny, and The Black Stallion. I was deeply disappointed not to find any boxes with air holes under the tree, but you can get at least 3 out of 4 with these adorable stocking...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Still looking for a few last minute gifts for the family? Clearly we’re crazy, mad, marry-us-in-Vegas in love with Etsy and all the wonderful artists and crafters we’ve discovered there. That’s why today, on Etsy’s The Storque blog, we’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
Since my kids are rarely get super dressed up, save a few special events over the holidays, I’m always looking for a more versatile option for my girls than a formal coat. And with the new riding hoods at House of Lux, I think I may have done just that. These...
by Elizabeth | Uncategorized
I love crafty people. I wish I were one of them, but, alas, I’m not even that great at wrapping gifts. They end up looking like my three-year-old took the reins. But, this year, my friends and family will think I’ve developed some serious crafting skills...