by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
This holiday season, you can do almost anything with your fancy photos: make books, cards, puzzles, even an afghan. But we found one artist putting a beautiful homemade twist on capturing your family’s image, and we think this one’s worthy of framing. Etsy...
by Christina Refford | DIY
Between a personal blog, a paper journal, Facebook and my memory, I have plenty of places to jot down those hilarious things my kids say. The problem is, I have too many places. But mama Alexandra of the creative Kinderpendent blog has designed a sweet little template...
by Lexi Petronis | Party Ideas
When it comes to unwrapping gifts, people usually fall into two camps. Either they take their time, delicately lifting the tape and neatly folding up the paper; or they rip through the paper like a present-seeking claw machine. This personalized wrapping...
by Lexi Petronis | Uncategorized
I’m often of the “do it quickly” school when it comes to holiday presents–I sometimes forgo the little touches (like tags!) in favor of just getting the gifts wrapped. (And yes, we’re thinking holidays already. Forgive us!)These beautiful...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Food + Recipes
I’m back in town from a delicious jaunt to the Rogue Valley in southern Oregon, and I’ve got all the dirt on one of my favorite holiday gift companies, Harry & David. (You know, the pear people. With all the catalogs?) So here’s my confession: I...
by Christina Refford | DIY
Doing all of my shopping online sounds like such a brilliant way to avoid a lot of the stress of the holidays, except for now, when my choices are to email a gift card, which doesn’t seem very personal, or pay gigantic overnight shipping charges.I had just...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Baby
I’m pretty sure my Christmas list one year included a puppy, a kitten, a bunny, and The Black Stallion. I was deeply disappointed not to find any boxes with air holes under the tree, but you can get at least 3 out of 4 with these adorable stocking...
by Elizabeth | Baby, Kid Style
My quest for all things cool for babies started when a friend told me about Trumpette socks. She said all the hip Mommies in her Brooklyn Mommy’s group had them. Images of moms dressed in effortlessly chic clothes with Converse sneakers came mind. Babies flashed...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I was in Starbucks this week–okay, a few times this week. (What? It’s Peppermint Mocha, season.) And I was thinking about how much the people in my life like getting Starbucks gift cards over the holidays. Glancing at the display, I was so excited to see...