Wrap it up to go

Wrap it up to go

I love the hustle of the holiday season: cooking, shopping and giving are three of my favorite things. What I really don’t like is finding the right wrapping paper for my latest treasures – and it can get ugly when I have multiple smaller gifts, for...
I’m dreaming of a big city holiday

I’m dreaming of a big city holiday

I’m dreaming of a picture perfect holiday season, like a vintage postcard, with over-sized snowflakes and smiling kids singing songs at my door. I’m also dreaming of taking the perfect holiday photo of my two girls and they’ll both smile at the same...
An advent calendar for your artistic holiday spirit

An advent calendar for your artistic holiday spirit

As December nears, my house is ready to to become a big, kid-friendly fun house of colored blinky lights and tinsel. With three kids, I know what to expect and have given in to All Things Christmas. Except I’ve just seen the most beautifully refined and...
The gift(wrap) that keeps on giving

The gift(wrap) that keeps on giving

I’m not sure which is cooler, the actual lyziwraps reusable gift bags that I just discovered, or the story behind them. They were originally designed by an 8th Grader, for an innovation competition, who was trying to find a way to decrease the amount of waste...
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Wishing you a very spooky (but safe) Halloween, mamas from Kristen, Liz, Christina, Delilah, Julie and the rest of the Cool Mom Picks team – may you survive the sugar crashes and score a solid week’s worth of Reese’s Pieces peanut butter cups. To see...
6 cool, easy, last minute Halloween craft projects

6 cool, easy, last minute Halloween craft projects

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and it’s certainly one of my kids’ too. But with all the costume-wrangling and candy-buying and party-coordinating, I suddenly realize I have yet to hang so much as a fake spiderweb on my front door. So I poked...