by Kristen Chase | Family Travel, Tips + Tricks
Whether you’re hitting the road for a quick weekend getaway, or are heading out for a family vacation, getting out the door can be pretty overwhelming. Between packing lists and all those last-minute to-do-before-we-leave lists, it’s so easy to get sucked...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
I admit I have always coveted a SodaStream ever since I tried an earlier model at my parents’ house. However theirs seemed pretty big to me, and I live in a small apartment, where we’re supposed to subscribe to the rule about not owning single-purpose...
by Kate Etue | Living, Tips + Tricks
October (eek, it’s October!) is Fire Safety and Prevention month, and we are totally amazed at the advances in fire safety products for families. From appliances of all kinds with auto shut-off to smoke detectors that go beyond anything we ever grew up with,...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
We blink and we’ve gone from back to school shopping for preschool backpacks to those annoying extra-long twin sheets for dorm room beds or small appliances for college dorm rooms. But on the upside, now we’ve got a ton of ideas that will help make dorm...
by Stacie Billis | Kitchen + Dining
Last summer, Keurig Green Mountain released the latest version of their K-Cup brewer, the Keurig 2.0, with a new feature that only allows brewing of authorized K-Cup pods. Convenience coffee drinkers across the nation were understandably up in arms, but they can rest...
by Melissa | Beauty + Cosmetics
After recently trying a new skin care serum and mask made from kale, I began to wonder just how hard it would be to whip up some skin care recipes homemade in my own kitchen. I’m a natural beauty junkie, so half of my products already contain fruits, vegetables,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
UPDATE AUGUST 20, 2015: So, it’s been a year now that I’ve been using Mastrad’s Purefizz Soda Maker and suddenly…it just wasn’t working. Ugh. Like, the cap wasn’t fitting correctly and required (i.e. wasted) sometimes 4-5 CO2...
by Stacie Billis | Cool Tech
You know that we cool moms are way into both food and technology. And we know that you cool readers are, too, which is why we’re excited to share the Foodini 3D Food Printer, one of the coolest and geekiest kitchen appliances we’ve encountered, ever. When...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
In case you missed them, here are 5 of our most popular posts from Cool Mom Tech this past week. Enjoy! 1. Owls and foxes, out. Adorable sloths, in! Consider us obsessed. 2. Cool videos for kids that aren’t actually made for kids. We’re in love. 3....