by Christina Refford | Valentine's Day
Even with two older sisters who keep him well in touch with his feminine side, it didn’t take long before my son had decided pink was a “girl” color and that his sweet puppy tees should be traded for race cars and dinosaurs. But he still loves...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
Even though my youngest is still a baby, I can’t tell you how many times I hear the other girls argue No I’m the big sister! And technically, they both are – however, my six-year-old is insistent that she’s the biggest sister. I don’t...
by Lexi Petronis | Kid Style
My daughter refused to wear anything but Hello Kitty garb for 63 days straight. True story. Then, just as we were all very (very!) Hello Kitty-ed out, she decided that she would never wear the same shirt twice. She hasn’t stuck to that plan (thank...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
A neighbor and I were just discussing the challenge of purchasing boy’s clothes these days and we both agreed that you really do get what you pay for. And since I’m not too keen on purchasing two sets of clothes every season–sometimes...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
Given my general loathe for licensed character clothing, it’s only fitting that my two-year-old has decided she will only wear clothes with Elmo on them. Makes perfect sense considering she has never actually watched Sesame Street. Ah, toddlers. But since...