Take me out to the ball game

Take me out to the ball game

Even since having my son a couple of years ago, I’ve noticed the boys’ room decor options are getting way better. Even if you like the more traditional themes, like sports, you’re not stuck with some uninspired wall border of soccer balls or ugly...
It’s a bird! It’s an origami!

It’s a bird! It’s an origami!

I love the idea of decorating your baby’s nursery like it’s a real room and not a clearinghouse for fluffy lambs and bright colored safari animals. Not that I don’t love baby decor, but in this economy, when you’re trying to get the most of the...
Cloud shelf, silver lining included

Cloud shelf, silver lining included

What do I see when I look at this cloud? I see a floor free from clutter. The metal Cloud Shelf is the perfect place to stash toys, books and even my son’s prized Spongebob baseball hat. It’s deep enough to actually put stuff on at 6 inches, the lip keeps...