Me Gusta Spanglish Sing-Along!

Me Gusta Spanglish Sing-Along!

I know less Spanish than the average eighth grader, so I was a tad skeptical about my ability to review a CD called Spanglish Sing-Along! (Exclamation point theirs.)I shouldn’t have worried. Miami’s Spanglish Wrangler, aka Will Thomas, moves between...
And Chicken was his name-o

And Chicken was his name-o

My taste in music runs more in the indie vein, but in kids’ music, you’ve gotta hand it to Trout Fishing in America who have been putting out Grammy-nominated, family-friendly folksy rock for about 30 years. But this time around, they’ve created a...
Who’s Your Mama?

Who’s Your Mama?

I thought I knew what to expect when I saw the cover art on Mama Mac’s self-titled kids’ CD: I was sure there would be an acoustic version of Kumbaya and maybe a few 70’s folk songs. Boy, was I wrong. A veteran of the LA indie music scene, Amy...
Happily getting Dizzy

Happily getting Dizzy

Listening to Molly, Jay and J.P. of Lunch Money sing about the stuff of childhood makes me nostalgic for the days when spinning around in a circle didn’t leave me feeling queasy. In fact, their new kids’ music album, Dizzy, is an ode to all kinds of things...