by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
So uh, yeah. Turns out that some American towns are now banning 12-year-old kids from trick-or-treating, under penalty of arrest. We think it’s nuts, of course, so we had to talk about it this week on Spawned.There are even a lot of expert reasons that...
by Caroline Siegrist | Books for Adults
The toils of parenting can seem nebulous and never-ending, which is why Julie Morgenstern’s new book, Time to Parent, came as such a breath of fresh air for me. A professional organizer by trade, she breaks down the overall job of parenting into manageable...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
My four kids range from toddler to teenager, and I find that no matter their stage in life I am always looking for ways to help them increase their mindfulness. Whether they’re processing complicated, difficult emotions in their early teen years, or just...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
We all talk a lot about “oversharenting,” or what to post about our kids on social media, how much info is too much, and whether we might be embarrassing them…one day. Well it turns out these questions apply well beyond potty training photos, as...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
Online safety and cyberbullying have surpassed the list of parents’ concerns over even drugs and alcohol. And we get it — we have kids who are online too and it can be a little scary to let them loose on the Internet. In fact, 28% of students have...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
When work is online, communication is online, entertainment is online and it’s all 24/7…it can be hard to get offline. We get it! So we’re happy to share so much helpful info from from tech health expert, author, Austin-based dad, and Psychology...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
It can be hard to remember when we’re so busy with the minutiae of each day, but the ultimate goal of parenting is to raise responsible, independent adults. And, well, that starts before they actually hit the age of 18. The dance of educating our kids and then...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Food + Recipes
This week on Spawned, we’re talking kids and nutrition. Which, TBH, is one of those issues that nearly universally stresses out parents of all kinds, with kids of all ages. Fortunately, we’ve got an expert to help us out: Dr. Tanya Altmann, who you may...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks
There is so confusion about the difference between Latino and Hispanic, whether you can use the terms interchangeable, and whether they’re two different things. So with this week kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), it seems like a good...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
Working mom guilt is something every working mom has experienced in one way or another. And basically, it sucks. However, we’ve always heard that guilt is the most useless emotion — and now, consider us schooled. On this week’s episode of Spawned, we...