by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
When my oldest daughter was 17 months old, lying half-nekkid on the diaper change pad, she grabbed her genitals and said, BUTT! “No, honey,” I corrected. “That’s your…vagina.” Cough. Gulp. Eep. Deep breath in… Exhale. Phew. Why was it so hard? It made little...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
This is a sponsored message from the MomClone app If you’ve ever wished there were an easy sign-up app for your classroom, book club, or kids’ sports teams and extracurricular activities that was designed the way moms actually think and work, you need to...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Storage + Organization, Tips + Tricks
With a new school year here, on this episode of Spawned, we’re taking a close look at 5 popular time-management techniques from experts, to compare them, debate the merits, and describe how they can work best for parents. If you’ve been wrangling a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
Today is the 55th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which mean it’s also the anniversary of his incomparable I Have A Dream speech. We can’t think of a better way to honor the day than to share...
by Caroline Siegrist | Uncategorized
I know I’m making the understatement of the year when I say that there’s been a lot of difficult news lately. Which is maybe why this viral photo of on-duty police officer Celeste Ayala breastfeeding a starving child at a hospital had me weeping into the...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults
In case the book title How to Be a Happier Parent: Raising a Family, Having a Life, and Loving (Almost) Every Minute sounds like something that’s not for you…you’d be wrong. Because it’s written by the hilarious, down-to-earth, wonderfully...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
While we’re enjoying a little time off for summer, we’re updating some of our greatest hits Spawned episodes you might have missed — and one of our favorites is this fantastic chat with Dr. Catherine Pearlman, author of Ignore It!: How Selectively...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
Failure is hard for kids, but it’s essential to their growth. That’s why teaching growth-mindset for kids has become so popular lately in parenting circles. Parents are increasingly moving away from helicoptering (yay!) and instead, giving their kids the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Storage + Organization, Tips + Tricks
While we’re enjoying a little time off for summer, we’re updating some of our greatest hits Spawned episodes you might have missed — starting with “organizer for the real world” (as we call her), Laurie Palau of Simply B Organized. She...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment + Media
We talk a lot about reading diverse women authors, supporting women artists, and shopping women-owned shops. But one thing we don’t discuss nearly enough is women musicians — at least outside of the kids’ music category. Which is why we’re...