by Kate Etue | Entertainment + Media
Okay, parents. Let’s talk 13 Reasons Why and whether your kids should be watching it. Because, no doubt, your kids are doing just that. And now that it’s been picked up for a second season on Netflix, the question about whether your kids should watch it...
by Cool Mom Team | Mother's Day Gifts
Even if the Macaroni necklace breaks, the flowers die, and the mimosas are gone in seconds, you always always get to keep your sense of humor. Hope you have the best Mother’s Day! xo Liz + Kristen + The Cool Mom Team
by Georgette Gilmore | Tips + Tricks
As parents, we’re our kids’ biggest fans, right? That’s why a lot of us tend to compliment them. A lot. Whether it’s the first time they learn to ride a bike, the masterpiece they created in art class, a stellar report card, or even that time...
by Stacie Billis | Tips + Tricks, Kitchen + Dining
My boys have been cooking alongside me ever since they were little. But now that they’re older and I’d love for them make their own breakfast, prep their own snacks, and put together their own lunches from time to time, I’m finding it harder to get...
by Heather Spohr | Entertainment + Media
NPR is the only thing I ever listen to in my car — unless my kids want to hear “It’s Raining Tacos.” On repeat. (Because of course not every episode of Spawned is entire kid-safe.) So I was absolutely stoked when I heard that next week, May 15,...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks
I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz lately about how transformative gratitude can be for your psyche. Studies are cropping up everywhere showing that being intentional about thankful has huge health benefits, from better sleep to less anxiety to rewiring your brain for...
by Georgette Gilmore | Books for Kids
Having “the talk” means something different to different families. Your mind may automatically go to the birds and the bees. But for thousands of Black families, it refers to essential conversations they’re having with their children —...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
I still remember when my son’s then first-grade teacher asked if they could test him for the gifted program in our school district. I looked at her and asked, “Are you sure?” I just thought my sweet, curious boy asked a lot of questions. Like, a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
We know a little something about reinvention after motherhood and women entrepreneurs. Hey, Kristen did an entire TedX talk about it! And I’ve made a few career switches myself — finally landing on this sweet gig that Kristen and I created for ourselves....
by Cool Mom Team | Living
We’re happy to be working with our sponsor Brother to bring you this post If we had a nickel for every time we told our kids to put away their shoes or pick up their toys, well, we’d be writing this from our yacht in the south of France while Jeeves served...