I just wrote to say I love you

I just wrote to say I love you

I don’t know about you, but I’m only a few months into school lunch-making and I’m running out with ideas to keep it interesting. Mostly for me. I try to create little surprises in my daughter’s lunchbox every day, from slicing her sandwich in...
Waste not. Want.

Waste not. Want.

I’m definitely an eco-minded person, but I don’t think I’m alone when I admit that sometimes convenience wins out over conscience. For years I’ve stuffed my son’s lunch box with pre-packaged snacks or plastic snack bags, but I think...
For the kid who eats like a bird

For the kid who eats like a bird

I realize that school is now in full swing, but if you have yet to find the perfect lunch box, or if your house is the mysterious Bermuda Triangle of lunch bags like mine, you can’t have too many reusable lunch bags. Particularly if they’re...
Guilt free snack packing

Guilt free snack packing

I know, I know – we keep featuring reusable snack bags! What can I say, there are so many to choose from these days. Our job is just to pare down the cool ones for you, and we’ve got a couple more options for you, whatever your own personal lunch packing...
These will make your lunch

These will make your lunch

Packing kid lunches is one of my least favorite things; rummaging for useable plastic food containers and matching them to lids that have migrated between several shelves (yes, plural. In my house, it’s an Issue) is a misery. And I’m about to start...