by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Living
Hooray, it’s Monday! Which also means… v Visit the Cool Mom Picks Deals Page for our favorite deals we’ve tracked down from our favorite brands. From the big stores we all shop, to the indie companies we love supporting. You’ll find deals on...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Living
Hooray, it’s June! Which also means… huge end-of-season sales before summer kicks in. Officially. Visit this week’s Cool Mom Picks Deals Page, recently updated with fresh deals, discounts and offers from our favorite brands. From the big stores we...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Living
Hooray, it’s the weekend! Which also means… huge Memorial Day sales. Visit our Cool Mom Picks Deals Page, which we just updated to include plenty of deals, discounts and offers from our favorite brands. From the big stores we all shop, to the indie...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Living
We absolutely love sharing gift guides, cool finds, and helpful recommendations with you every day. But you know what’s even better? When the things we love are on sale to help us all stretch our budgets a bit. Since our inboxes are always flooded with...
by Cool Mom Picks Deals Team | Fashion
We’ve been sharing plenty of sales and cool finds for updating your home for spring, but if it’s your wardrobe that needs a refresh, we’ve got you covered there too! Here are just 9 shops you should be browsing if you want to find something you love...
by Liz Gumbinner | Gift Guides, Tips + Tricks
Over the past few weeks, Etsy has slowly rolled out a new tool called Etsy Gift Mode. It’s essentially a “gift finder” search function that lets you look for gifts for a particular person (teacher, partner, baby, coworker), select the occasion, and...
by Liz Gumbinner | Living
I spent the last few days digging through 5 of the biggest retailers with the best end-of-season deals, just to help you all head right to the good stuff with the best discounts. And wow — there’s a whole lot that’s raising my eyebrows right now....
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Gift Guide
Each year we share the best Black Friday deals online to help you manage your time, your budget, and get back to family faster. Here, find the big brands we can’t resist along with the small businesses we love. (And tomorrow for Small Business Saturday,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
Last year, a colleague with an “in” in the designer shoe world tipped me off that puffy textured sandals, woven textures and braided straps were going to be hot for spring/summer. I blink and whoa — sure enough, they’ve been flooding the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Style + Beauty
While I’d love to buy a ton of things at the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, I try to be smart about it. That means besides one or two things I’ve had my eye on, I stick with items that I already love and need refreshing. Especially when they’re the...