by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
As avid advocates of diverse books of all kinds, but especially diverse children’s books, we work hard to share carefully curated lists of children’s books. Our amazing writers have shared impressive lists of wonderful books about diverse families, notable...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
Over the years, we’ve shared some of our favorite activities for Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Reading outstanding kids’ books about activism, getting messy with some inspirational family craft projects (we’re still loving this DIY mural), or seeking...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! – Emma Lazarus After yesterday’s racist, hateful, and decidedly non-presidential presidential “shithole” characterization of immigrants to America from...
by Georgette Gilmore | Entertainment + Media
Knowing that the Golden Globes would be more about female empowerment than fashion this year, with more red carpet questions and speeches about #MeToo movement and activism and gender parity and social justice, I decided to let my kids stay up and watch the awards...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors Best of the Year
Our final Editors Top 10 of the Year pick seems the perfect one to close out 2017 — and really, to lead us into 2018. There’s always been a current of social good through our site from the day we started it, as we’ve highlighted incredible charities,...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors Best of the Year
During a time that so many people are waking up to the essential need for diversity reflected in all aspects of life, we’re so thrilled to see that toy makers are getting it too. Especially one of the biggest in the world. Which is why we’re cheering for...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
We love giving back all year round, but right now, we find ourselves especially drawn to those organizations working so hard to make positive changes for girls and women in 2018. If you’re looking at a way to maximize your giving right now (especially...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment + Media
I don’t think that it’s a coincidence all that right now, during a time of so much turmoil in the world, that our hunger for great superhero stories is blowing up. Yes, for kids too. It’s hugely cathartic to see even the most basic good vs. evil...
by Georgette Gilmore | Books for Adults
To celebrate and support Planned Parenthood’s 100th year anniversary, a group of the best in the Comics industry — we’re taking Neil Gaiman, Louise Simonson, Denny O’Neil, Andrew Aydin, Gabby Rivera, and many more! == have come together to...
by Lexi Petronis | Doing Good
We all try to give back all year round, but Giving Tuesday (that’s today!) marks a special opportunity to make sure we get a little extra generosity in to our favorite charities before the year’s end. And the best part is, whatever you donate today will be...