by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids
If you ever pick up a newspaper in front of your children, turn on the news, or even have an adult conversation about the day’s events, there’s no doubt that they are aware in some way of the tensions, divisiveness and frankly, ugliness, in our world right...
by Nicole Blades | Books for Kids
This past Sunday, August 9, marked one year since the death of Michael Brown and the subsequent uprising in Ferguson, Missouri. Despite the many months that have passed, trying to make sense of the heartbreak and horror of everything that’s happened in this...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good
Sharing, liking, or commenting on this post donates one life-saving vaccine to a child around the world. Please read on for the full story. One of the most wonderful things about social media is that it gives every single one of us a voice. One of the...
by Kate Etue | Doing Good
This year, April 24-30 is World Immunization Week, and based on the screams emanating from the pediatrician’s office on my last visit, I’m guessing this isn’t one my kids are thrilled about. But as they get older, they’ll know why they should...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
While a ton of kids and babies are going to end up with “Kiss me I’m Irish” shirts today, we thought we’d take a slightly different tack and track down some cool kids’ t-shirts featuring some of our favorite Irish rock bands. Because St....
by Christina Refford | Valentine's Day
Oh, how I would love to see bright beautiful flowers arriving at my doorstep for Valentine’s Day, especially midway through this cold winter where everything outside my window is frozen. And those of us who are planning to give or hoping to receive flowers for...
by Stephanie Slate | School Gear
When I asked my friend at the park about her water bottle and she told me it was, and I quote, the best water bottle in the world, obviously I had to know more. She introduced me to S’well, a line of insulated water bottles that keep drinks cold without leaking...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
It’s a good thing when a new snack bar helps you feed your own children healthfully, but it’s even better when it also helps you feed a hungry child. NOURI is a new snack bar company with a big social mission to help end hunger. For every bar that you buy,...
by Stephanie Slate | Entertainment + Media
There are moments in stories I heard as a child — lots of them in fact — that have stayed with me my entire life. Charlotte’s spider babies, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s wonderful cures, Peter Rabbit losing his jacket in what, at that time in my life,...