by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
We were first introduced to the Children’s Heart Foundation when we donated the proceeds from last year’s color-your-own Valentine’s Day card contest to their worthy efforts. So this year, we figured it was timely to remember their fantastic cause on...
by Delilah S. Dawson | DIY
If you’re a mom, you could pretty much rename Valentine’s Day, Lots and Lots of Random Paper That My Kids Won’t Let Me Recycle Day. Wouldn’t it be great if you could start with a PDF and just print the paper you actually wanted? And...
by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
I have Joe Cocker in my head right now. He’s singing You Are So Beautiful to Me, and I’m getting all choked up when his voice cracks at that one point at the end. He also happens to be singing the song to the unbelievably amazing treats from Ugly Truffles...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Valentine's Day
Let’s face it, at some point in time, everybody ends up staring at the last flower petal, thinking, He loves me not? FINE. I’ve been there. In fact, I spent an entire Valentine’s Day in college wearing all black as my anti-Valentine statement after a...
by Christina Refford | Valentine's Day
My kids are no strangers to candy, though I have to admit that the amount of sweet stuff they collect at Valentine’s Day is over the top. I may not be able to stem the tide of lollies, pixie stix and chocolate hearts that come their way, but I’ve...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
My husband is definitely one to give the spicier Valentine’s Day gifts, and you won’t see me complaining. Unless he happens to buy the wrong size negligee, in which case I just try to act flattered that he thought I was an extra-small. This year, I’m...
by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
We were delighted with the Martha Stewart makes Cookies app when it was introduced this past fall for the iPad, and now there’s one more reason to like all this four-color, interactive deliciousness–more yummy cookie recipes and a new lower price. At least...
by Mir | Food + Recipes, Kids
I thought I knew good chocolate. I rather pride myself on favoring the high cacao content and richer taste of the more expensive brands. But I had never even heard of raw chocolate when one of my readers was kind enough to ask if she could send me a “little...