by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
One of the frequent questions we get from readers is about finding girl shoes that are sturdy, well-built, stylish and not pink. Not that there’s anything wrong with pink, of course. But there’s more to life–and girls’ footwear–than...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Kid Style
I know what you’re thinking– Why is the Georgia girl recommending mittens? Because I’m the biggest sissy about cold, that’s why. But I’m proud to say that we have three whole inches of snow right now, and I sent my kids straight outside...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
So when I first saw the email from Jennifer Dutcher asking us to check out her new business called Rock-a-thigh Baby, I admit to having visions of baby high heels and feather boas. On the contrary, this mom of four has created a pretty cool baby legwarmer and tights...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby
The stories are true. It gets darn cold up here in Canada in the winter. The kind of cold that makes your kids stand inside, shivering as they look out the front door, let alone open it and walk out. So, if we ever want to go anywhere at all then we have to do...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I remember feeling pretty annoyed with everyone telling me how difficult it was to have a winter baby – more blankets, big coats, being stuck in the house all day. The list goes on. But what they all failed to mention was the adorableness of winter baby wear,...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Fashion
Oh I know how it is. You’ve got a May due date (or so), and while you swore you wouldn’t buy one more maternity piece, you hit January and your current wardrobe is causing actual mental anguish, you’re sick of the cold, you’re sick of feeling...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
If I’m going to go through the trouble of suiting up three kids to play in the snow, they had better stay out there for longer than it took me to get them dressed. But an armful of snow lodged in the wrist is a total bummer, so back before my oldest could make a...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
Oh please tell me I’m not the only woman on the planet (or at least the island of Manhattan) who just can’t do the spiky stiletto heel thing. I know they’re trendy and fabulous and make your legs look great and all – but uh, no. So I’m...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
There may be nothing more perfect on a baby girl than a simple little white hat. No pompons, no animal ears, no purple organza flowers bigger than the baby’s own head. I found a serious contender, a hand-knit baby hat from Natural Star, at one of our favorite...
by Cool Mom Team | Kid Style
I’m looking for simple, solid color winter tights in 3T that won’t break the bank. -Kristina As the weather has officially turned here in Atlanta, I’ve also been on the lookout for winter tights for both my girls, Kristina. I dug around to find...