by Lexi Petronis | Fashion
Like many of you, I’ve spent years working in offices that required tailored clothes — clothes that looked good, but pinched and rubbed and inspired myriad fantasies about burning them all in a bonfire by the end of the day. But the days of pinchy pants are...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
If you’re like lots of Americans, including us, you spend a whole lot of time sitting at a desk during your work day. (Hey, we’re busy!) And while many people have heard of standing desks, when you start to check out all the health and wellness benefits...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
Did you hear the one about the pregnant woman who wasn’t allowed to drink a glass of water on the job? If only this were an isolated story. That’s why, for all of us working moms, working dads, and working moms-to-be, we’re lucky to have someone like...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby
Every breastfeeding mom I know absolutely despises the “pump and dump.” All that work to throw my liquid gold down the drain? No, thanks. But it’s a reality for many moms who travel for work and have no other option besides risking spoilage or...
by Caroline Siegrist | Baby
There’s no way to fully prepare for the sleepless and uh, very sore, whirlwind after you leave the hospital with a new baby. And while moms want to take ample time off before returning to work, the U.S. doesn’t require that employers provide paid maternity...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
We’ve got an incredible Spawned podcast episode this week that we think so many of you will find helpful. We’re chatting with the incomparable author and strategist Morra Aarons-Mele, founder of Women and Work and author of the brand new Hiding in the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
With a lot of concern around changing health care policy, tax increases impacting the middle class, benefit cuts to struggling families, and the fact that Americans already pay the highest birthing costs in the world, I was intrigued to check out WalletHub’s...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast
How do you get back to work after having a baby without losing your mind? How in the world can you start looking — and feeling — human again when you feel anything but? How do you carve out me-time when it seems least likely? And the big one: Is it...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Reading the results of today’s WalletHub study on the best and worst states for working moms, well let’s just say that this working mom’s eyes are wide open: 70% of moms with children under 18 are employed, so this is info that really impacts our...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
As someone who left a full-time advertising career behind to become a writer, website publisher, and public speaker — all while raising tiny children, all while being the sole earner in my household — I totally get how scary it is to change courses. It...