Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes
The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast
Why our parenting stories matter, with author Zibby Owens | Spawned Episode 270
Liz and I have a special place in our hearts for storytelling, because that's how we first met online almost 17 years ago. That can't be right, can it? We connected through our personal blogs—Mom 101 and Motherhood Uncensored—and the rest is Cool Mom Picks history....
Gen Z: They’re not snowflakes, they’re warriors. Here’s the data to prove it. | Spawned Ep 269
The world feels like a pretty awful place right now. I've seen a lot of people in my social feeds say things like, "it must be hard to have kids and have to explain things like the Russian aggression against Ukraine to them." I always think that yes, sure it is --...
“There’s nothing romantic about depression” | Spawned Ep 268
This week, I was really happy to get to sit down and chat with Amy Koppelman, director, writer, and producer of the recent film A Mouthful of Air starring Amanda Seyfried and Finn Wittrock. It's based on on Amy's critically acclaimed novel inspired by her own...
More coolness from recent weeks…
7 quick things you can do right now to save money and manage money better in 2023
If you have a few minutes to spare, you can literally save money. And that sounds like a good way to start the new year, right? Of course I'm sure a lot of us have some version of "get my finances in order" on our list of New Year's resolutions, or "be wealthy beyond...
Spawned Parenting Podcast: The Best Advice, Tips, and Guidance of 2022
It's been an incredible 2022 for Spawned. We welcomed guests from film directors and political pundits to authors, activists, top journalists, and experts of all kinds So this week, we thought we'd take a look back at some of the best episodes of the year. Take a...
4 New Year’s resolutions you can actually tackle, with lots of resources to help
January 1 is my favorite holiday, and making New Year's resolutions is my favorite way to celebrate. Okay, that and cleaning out my closets! (I know, I'm a party animal). I know that there are various approaches to New Year's resolutions, many of which we've featured...
Margaret Ables on how moms can have more holiday fun – not just make it for everyone else | Spawned ep 288
I have been thinking a lot about the pressure on moms to make the holidays magic! Perfect! Memorable! Fun all day and all night! But what we don't talk about enough, is how we can have more fun over the holidays -- not necessarily to make more fun. And the perfect...
Irreverent cross stitch kits from Subversive Cross Stitch: The holiday gift probably not for your in-laws.
I know we've been sharing gifts galore, because hey, that's what we do this time of year. (And quite well, I might add. Ahem.) But I want to call your attention to one more gift idea that checks all my favorite boxes -- it's from an independent business, it's run by a...
Why the sex talk with your kids is more important than ever | Spawned Ep 287
It's not the first time we've talked about the sex talk on Spawned, but if your school district is like mine (and many across the country), they are making sex education an optional, home-taught module. That means, we need to be more invested than ever in ensuring our...
17 Gen Z gifts that give back to the incredible causes they care about | Holiday Gift Guide
For this year's holiday gift guide, we really wanted to share some creative, irreverent, sassy and smart Gen Z gifts that give back to causes that our teens and young adults care about. We have Gen Z kids ourselves, and we know first hand how passionate they can...
17 personalized holiday gifts you can still get in time for Christmas (and Hanukkah too!) | Holiday Gifts 2022
Personalized gifts have always been among our favorites, but finding affordable personalized holiday gifts -- well, we really love a challenge. So we've found more than a dozen for you all, to help you select something extra-thoughtful for anyone on your list. Of...
21 great gift ideas for college students | Holiday Gifts 2022
The span between shopping for a preschooler and finding a holiday gift for a college student seems impossibly short, now that many of us have hit that stage of parenting. But what remains is the desire to make the holidays really special for our kids. And since even...
Why our teens are so darn tired, with author Lisa L. Lewis | Spawned Episode 286
Just when I thought I was pretty aware of what I needed to know about teens and sleep, I got my hands on Lisa L. Lewis's book The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, And How Parents And Schools Can Help Them Thrive and I realized there was so much I...
5 tips for flying with toddlers, from a mom who has flown many times, with many toddlers
If you're looking for tips for flying with toddlers, you've come to the right place. Even though my four kids are now teens, they were once toddlers, and we used to travel a lot. That means there was a time when I was on a plane with toddlers and babies, all by...
Cyber Monday Deal: 40% off this cult-favorite root concealer spray
This is a sponsored message from Style Edit These days, it's hard to find the time, money and energy to hit the salon and touch up your color -- or maybe you're waiting until your roots grow in just a teeny bit more. Enter the cult-favorite, beauty...
The 10 coolest Ted Lasso gifts for fans who can’t wait for Season 3.
The AFC Richmond fans say it's the hope that kills you, but we're here to say that it's really the anticipation -- of Ted Lasso Season 3, of course. Luckily, it will be appearing on our screens in 2023, and we can almost taste the homemade biscuits. So to tide us...
15 gift ideas for the guy who’s hard to shop for. | Holiday Gift Guide
Every year, we put together our favorite gift ideas for the man who has everything and while last year's picks are still pretty awesome, we thought we'd share some new ideas too. I get it -- it's hard! But I hope this list helps you pick the perfect gift ideas for...
10 of my favorite holiday gifts from Oprah’s favorite things list 2022
Last year I browsed Oprah's Favorite Things List of holiday gifts so thoroughly that I thought -- whoa, what if I share my favorites from her favorites? So I did. And you liked them! So much so, it was hard to even get your hands on some of them. Like those headlight...
These personalized, virtual holiday cards may have changed e-cards forever
This is a sponsored message from American Greetings If you love sending real holiday cards but hate the hassle of printing, finding postage and mailing -- basically all of us -- you're going to love Creatacard from It's one of the easiest ways...
The impact of Covid on kids: Anya Kamenetz on what we know and what we don’t yet | Spawned Ep 285
This week on Spawned, I have the honor of welcoming back the wonderful Anya Kamenetz, NPR Education reporter and author, to talk about her new book, The Stolen Year: How Covid Changed Kids' Lives...and Where We Go Now. I will tell you this: From the title alone, this...
200+ of the best gifts for kids by age: The ultimate guide for birthdays and holidays!
Every year, it's our joy to put together our guide to the best gifts for kids by age, from one-year-olds to those picky tweens and teens. To be sure, this is a (long, long) labor of love! Christina and I spend literally months combing the corners of the web to create...
Over 20 of the best Advent calendars for 2022: From the magical to the luxurious, to… goofy dad jokes?
I'm just about ready to think about all things Thanksgiving, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that NOW is the time to order an amazing Advent calendar so you can start the countdown to Christmas on December 1st. The best ones goes fast! Which is why we've rounded...
25 wonderful Hanukkah gifts for toddlers to teens 2022 | Holiday Gift Guide
With Hanukkah coming up December 18, it's time to share some of the best Hanukkah gifts for kids in 2022 -- that actually are Hanukkah gifts. Because this year, more than previous years, a lot of us are really thinking about what it means to be Jewish and to celebrate...
Voting help and Election Day resources 2022: How to find your voting place, watch the polls, report voter intimidation and more.
You might have heard, but there's a super important midterm election this Tuesday, November 8 in the US. There's a lot on the line that impacts our lives, including bodily autonomy for women and girls, the cost of prescription drugs, maintaining social security, and...