This schoolhouse rocks

This schoolhouse rocks

Today I was so desperate for a new project to pull the tiny whiners off my knees that I gave them a huge cardboard box and some Sharpies. They ended up just stomping on the bubble wrap inside, much to my headache’s eternal sadness. But if you plan ahead a...
Baptism gift ideas? Reader Q&A

Baptism gift ideas? Reader Q&A

You guys are so great at finding great gift ideas, and so I come to you with this: I have my fourth niece/nephew to buy a gift for . . . Hoping you have some good ones up your sleeves! -Christina W. Congratulations again! I hope these ideas help you find...
Kids name labels go designer

Kids name labels go designer

If you’re like me, then you probably try to have a nice stack of name labels on hand for all those things your kids have to take to camp, school, daycare and everywhere else their busy little social calendars may take them. But when kids start to outgrow those...
Five stars for Toy Story 3

Five stars for Toy Story 3

This weekend, I finally managed to wrangle my kids–and a few of their friends — to see Toy Story 3. Now before you read any further, I must first disclose a major bias: In my mind, Pixar’s John Lasseter can do little wrong. I walked in wanting to...
Wearing your favorite doll on your chest

Wearing your favorite doll on your chest

We just can’t get enough of the adorable knit dolls and beautiful baby mobiles from one of the fair trade pioneers in the kids category, Blabla Kids. They are consistently some of the best baby gifts out there. Truth be told, I’m a bit obsessed with their...
Boys love playing daddy, too.

Boys love playing daddy, too.

I have nothing against boys embracing pink, but when I went to buy a little boy doll for my nephew to love while his mama was caring for a newborn, I found that 99% of the baby dolls in the big toy store were of the female persuasion.France’s Corolle, the maker...
Mini portraits of your minis

Mini portraits of your minis

The ghosts of bad desk tchotchkes of Father’s Days past still haunt me: Paper weights, coffee mugs, mini voodoo dolls. Sorry Dad! Sometimes you’re hard to shop for. But grandpas and new dads — not too hard. Especially if they’re sentimental...