by Liz Gumbinner | Toys + Playthings
I keep being told that donuts are the new macarons, which used to be the new cupcakes, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m seeing them everywhere. And my kids are clamoring for them. They are emblazoned on stationery, tote bags, t-shirts, even toys and...
by Kate Etue | Cards + Stationery
When I was a kid at summer camp, mail time was always one of the best parts of my days. And I’d imagine now, a time when hardly any of us get actual personal snail mail at all, camp mail is an even more exciting ritual. So we’ve got some cool ideas to help...
by Christina Refford | Family Travel
One of the first rules of summer camp, other than Sunscreen Sunscreen Sunscreen, is to label every single thing your kids take with them. Including the sunscreen. While a Sharpie can do the trick on some products, we love colorful labels that affix to all of their...
by Cool Mom Team | Party Ideas
Oh, the joys of the summer birthday party when the nice weather means celebrating with friends out-of-doors. And whether this means gathering everyone into your backyard, meeting at the local park, or even taking over a quiet piece of sandy beach, we’ve put...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Beauty + Cosmetics
Oh, boy, do we love gift subscription boxes for moms around here. Whether for self-pampering, kid activities, or great gifts for new moms, we’re all about adding the (well curated!) element of surprise to an otherwise dreary mailbox without having to do the...
by Liz Gumbinner | Party Ideas
Sometimes kids with summer birthdays (ahem–mine) feel a little ripped off because their friends are out of town. I love the idea of a summer camp themed party right in your own local park or backyard. It’s a great way to make the party special, even with a...