Keep On Rockin’ the Summer Shoes

Keep On Rockin’ the Summer Shoes

I realize that back-to-school is knocking on my door, but considering it stays warm and sunny in our neck of the woods until early October, I’m not sure my daughter will be sporting the brown eather Mary Janes on August 11. So I can blame the weather for my...
Ice Cream + Bubbles = Magic

Ice Cream + Bubbles = Magic

I bombed Goody Bags 101 at my youngest daughter’s party. The Play-Doh bits ended up all over my couch, the babies ate the crayons, and the cheap imitation slinkies broke faster than you can say choking hazard. The one thing I did get right were the bubbles. Or...
Robeez Gets Air Conditioning

Robeez Gets Air Conditioning

I’ll admit that I’m late to the Robeez party, but now that I’m here, I’m a devoted fan. And as far as I’m concerned, I’ve arrived just in time since their designs seem to be getting cuter by the season. This summer, I’m...
Color By Name

Color By Name

Ever since my daughter was pegged as The Budding Artist, she gets about 14 boxes of crayons at every gift-giving holiday. Boy would she love to get her hands on the custom name crayons from Story Blox. For around $5, depending on the length of your kid’s name,...